Back from GUADEC 2013
12 Aug 2013
I wanna be really honest, getting back home from this year’s GUADEC has been very painful for me but not because of the trip back home. I had such a very good time at Brno that I actually wanted to stay there for way more days! I must admit that I’ve been missing the italian food for a while until Mattias Bengtsson suggested me to try having a dinner at the “Flavours” indian restaurant. The result was simply amazing and I’ve been falling in love with the indian food we ate that evening so much that we went there again the day after.
I had a lot of expectations from my very first GUADEC and I was very excited to meet all the people I’ve been contributing with during all these years. Meeting people up in person is fundamental and reminds you the fact that there is a human being with its own feelings and emotions behind a computer and that’s actually why I spent a lot of my time during the event speaking and hanging out with people, finding out their personal interests, their hobbies, the things they love doing on their free time.
During the event, I had the great pleasure to present two talks:
- the GNOME Infrastructure, the presentation is available here and the video is viewable at the following page.
- a little resume of what we’ve been doing on the GNOME Sysadmin team during this last year at the GNOME Foundation’s Annual General Meeting. (AGM)
… and meet a lot of friends:
- Mattias Bengtsson, you’ve been the greatest room mate of all times! Thanks for all your hints!
- Andreas Nilsson and Fabiana Simões, thanks for all your kind words, I’ll keep doing my best to provide you all the resources and work you need to make things happen!
- Sriram Ramkrishna, you don’t know how much I enjoyed our nightly discussions and walks around the city centre, missing those times already!
- Allan Day and Jon McCann, it’s been truly amazing meeting you guys and hearing how much enthusiast you are about me and my work, thanks a *lot*!
- Paul Frields, it’s been an absolute pleasure meeting you and your wife, I will never forget how you presented me to her at the Starobrno Brewery: “He’s like the Kevin Fenzi of the GNOME Infrastructure!“. That’s one of the greatest compliments someone can ever receive given the amount of work Kevin does on the Fedora Infrastructure. I’m also glad that we could remember Seth together during my talk, thanks for coming!
- My italian friends, Flavia, Paolo, Emanuele, Giovanni and Alessandro!
- Tobias Mueller, glad we were finally able to meet in person! Thanks for your nano sessions!
- All the indian interns, Saumya Dwivedi, Saumya Pathak, Sindhu Sundar, Shivani Poddar who are definitely doing an amazing job! I was completely impressed by your talks and projects!
- Ekaterina, David, Karen, Marina, Owen, Rui, Alberto: all you guys are simply great! It’s really unfortunate we weren’t able to spend a lot of time together during the event!
Overall the whole event has been a blast, thanks to the GNOME Foundation making this possible by sponsoring my attendance at the event! I’m looking forward to Strasburg 2014 already and last but not least I’m preparing the greatest bid of all times for GUADEC 2015 to happen in Italy. Stay tuned!

Overall the whole event has been a blast, thanks to the GNOME Foundation making this possible by sponsoring my attendance at the event! I’m looking forward to Strasburg 2014 already and last but not least I’m preparing the greatest bid of all times for GUADEC 2015 to happen in Italy. Stay tuned!