class: center, middle, background-main ## .colored-header[GNOME Infrastructure Team Report] ### .colored-header-2[Andrea Veri] #### In my father's memory GUADEC 2022, Guadalajara, Mexico @andrea_veri, --- class: background-slides ### Core Technologies in use - Openshift 4 - Openshift Virtualization - Ceph Storage (2 clusters) - GitLab CI/CD - - Prometheus/Alertmanager ### Hardware specs - 3 Dell R650 - 260G RAM, 56 cores, OCP 4 - 3 Dell R640 - 190G RAM, 48 cores, Ceph --- class: background-slides-table ### Architecture - For OCP 4 - 3 nodes cluster, masters == workers - LB via DNS RR (not ideal, we approached several vendors in order to receive a discount for any of the available LB services, no luck as of today) - On demand SSD storage via Rook - Support for container and VM based workloads (OCP Virt) - Infrastructure as code: each of the hosted tenants is managed on GitLab with images built via CI/CD and pushed to for consumption - Monitored via Prometheus, Alertmanager - Cert management handled via cert-manager and LE - For Ceph, 3 nodes cluster, storage types: - Block - CephFS - RadosGW - For GitLab: - Most of the services running on a single VM - Pages runs on OCP 4 - Storage for static content lives on S3 - Repositories on Ceph RBD ??? About benefits: no need to maintain a self hosted image registry + unlimited number of publicly available images. --- class: background-slides ### Architecture For Prometheus: - Multiple exporters: OCP 4, BBB, Node, GitLab, Ceph - Grafana with multiple datasources - Alertmanager with a set of predefined rules + Pagerduty - Blackbox for anything HTTP/HTTPS and latency monitoring --- class: background-slides ### Achievements over the past 4 years - Ceph cluster architecture and deployment - OCP 3 deployment and mass migration of services from VMs to containers - OCP 4 deployment and migration from OCP 3 (EOL in June 2022) - RHEL 7 to RHEL 8 - Puppet --> Ansible - Nagios --> Prometheus/Alertmanager - Static resources served via CDN77 --- class: background-slides-table, middle, center ### CI/CD @ GNOME - some stats Runner name | Days since added | Total number of jobs | Jobs per day ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- bbb-gitlab-runner|22|4319|196|21|167|7 osuosl-x86-2-ASAN|21|123|5 osuosl-x86-2-flatpak|21|1061|50 osuosl-x86-2|21|3214|153 osuosl-x86-1-asan|22|157|7 osuosl-x86-1-flatpak|22|1137|51 osuosl-x86-1|22|3569|162 osuosl-managed-aarch64-1|33|237|7 osuosl-managed-x86-2|33|5901|178 osuosl-managed-x86-1|33|6440|195 codethink-arm-1|613|3985|6 codethink-arm-2|610|4938|8 codethink-arm-3|613|5504|8 codethink-arm-4|580|3744|6 fosshost-arm-2|378|3078|8 fosshost-arm-1|379|3026|7 progress|271|27973|103 progress-flatpak|271|6393|23 progress-asan|271|1170|4 --- class: background-slides ### CI/CD @ GNOME - Achievements - Switched to Fedora, latest kernel - Docuum deployed to keep disk usage in check - Image removal kicks in after certain disk usage is passed - It tracks used images, least used are removed first - All runners shared so non just GNOME projects can use them – This to improve developer experience and make CI feedback cycle faster for contributors - We combine dockerd with crun from (vs default runc) - Seems to better support new system calls ??? Fedora container unhappy on CentOS 7 kernel for example --- class: background-slides ### Future Plans - Fully retire Puppet - Build missing Ansible roles - Move missing systems to Ansible - Decommission former Puppet masters - Retire GlusterFS, only current volume is Puppet manifests/modules - OS currency: retire RHEL 7, build RHEL 9 systems - GitLab on OCP 4 - Databases on OCP 4 via existing Galera/PSQL operators - Introduce Loki - Deploy a Load Balancer in front of OCP 4 (any sponsor?) - Move IPA to RHEL 9 and upgrade to latest IDM release - Accounts / membership management self-service app ??? For accounts/membership management app, also mention and the idea of self-service being what we'd opt for to ease contributors accounts and foundation membership management --- class: background-slides ### Tenant onboardings on OCP 4 - Are you interested in hosting an app on Openshift? - If yes, anyone with a GNOME Account has that capability - GNOME Project and eco-system related apps only - Reach out to me directly after the talk if interested --- class: background-slides ### Our Sponsors - Red Hat - Rack space, unlimited bandwidth - Refreshed systems - RH products unlimited subscriptions - AWS, 10k USD credits based on our yearly resource usage - DigitalOcean, 1k USD credits - CDN77, unlimited bandwidth - OSUOSL, FossHost, Codethink, Equinix Metal, Canonical - GitLab runners --- class: background-main, middle, center ## Questions?